Everywhere you look there are articles telling you how the newest upgrades in technology are bad for you. The blue light technology keeps you up at night, screen time is addictive for kids and working at a computer all day is bad for your spine. Technology has created a lifestyle that is – more often than not – sedentary in nature.  The truth is that it’s not the technology that is bad for your health, but how you use it. If you’re sitting in front of Fortnite for hours at a time after coming home from your desk job, then yes, technology is going to be bad for you because you haven’t put it down. However, if you invest in health technology, then it’s only going to provide you with good benefits.

So, with that in mind, how has technology changed the face of our health for the better, instead of the worst?

Activity. Wearable technology has become such a trend that companies are falling over themselves to get the right upgrades out quickly. People want waterproof technology that they can go swimming with, and they want it to be available instantly. Technology may have led to us sitting more, but now that our smartphones are able to count our steps and our apps are able to sync with wearable tech like the Fitbit, we are motivated to get up and move more. Always look into buying unlocked phones if you want to load your apps onto a spare one to go running with. You can easily find these online and in stores.

Medicine. Ah, science. We love science. The way that technology is forging ahead in medicine is exactly like getting the answers at the back of the book during a test. Wherever you look in medicine, technological advancement is used. Think about the way that MRI and CT scan machines work now compared to twenty years ago and you can see the way that technology has changed the face of medicine. When people need new heart valves, technology has made it possible for this to be made artificially. When people have issues with their heartbeats, pacemakers are available. Broken bones and even missing limbs are supported with prosthetics which are becoming more and more technological and scientific. It’s an amazing change.

Communication. For some patients, communication is difficult. It’s also difficult for doctors to convey their concerns to patients with disabilities. We now have the internet, where we can check up on any symptoms or contact details of the doctor’s office or hospital any time we need to. We can access review sites for doctors and surgeries and we are able to form an opinion each time we do it so that we can better communicate with our health professionals.

Technology is making us healthier – as long as it’s used appropriately. There is no need to blame technology if you are becoming unhealthy. It’s your habits and practices that make the biggest difference.

+++ Collaborative Post +++

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