There’s no escaping the internet. We use it for work, to communicate with one another, and, yes, to entertain ourselves. Work and chatting with friends is straightforward enough, but the entertainment side? That can sometimes get a bit tricky. We open up our laptop, open the browser, and wait for the fun to begin. But very often, it doesn’t begin, and we don’t know how to make it start. Don’t worry, the net isn’t broken: it’s just that you’ve got yourself into an echo chamber of content. Below, we take a look at how to make it all seem exciting and interesting again.

Discover New Websites

Be honest: if you looked at your browsing history, how many websites would you find? Most of us fall into the habit of opening and closing the same five or six websites on rotation. There’s only so much interesting content they’re going to have before you’ve seen it all. So explore new horizons, and get some new websites onto your roster. Mix – previously known as StumbleUpon – is a good way of exploring new content and websites related to your interests.

Delete Your Social Media

OK, this might be controversial, but how much do you really enjoy your social media channels? Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have their uses, but if you’re finding that you’re spending most of your time on the web just scrolling, scrolling, scrolling, then it’s possible that the sites are taking more than they’re giving. By deleting them, you’ll be forced to see what else is out there. It’s like going to a party with a friend, and staying by their side the whole night. Take a break from the friend, and you’ll meet new people.

Challenging Yourself

If the internet is no longer engaging you, then maybe what you need is a challenge. There’s plenty of ways to test yourself online. You can engage in debates (on respectful websites, not the comments on a YouTube video), or test yourself in the virtual casino world by playing at You’ll also find no shortage of addictive online games that push you to beat your best score. If you’re clicking around looking for something exciting, then fire up one of these games and see just how good you are at gaming.

Get Educated

The most magical aspect of the internet is that it records all documented knowledge, ever. That’s a lot of information, and a small part of it can be your own. There are free and paid online courses that you can take, which you can then transfer into real-world qualifications and improvement. If you’re a keen learner, then see what’s out there, and dig deep into a topic you love.

Meet With Like-Minded People

Finally, why not connect with like-minded people? That’s what the web is for, after all. Whether it’s for talking about a hobby, activism, or anything else, you’ll find a long list of people ready and willing to talk to you long into the night.

+++ Collaborative Post +++

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